Wednesday, August 25, 2010


As most of you know I will be leaving shortly for China. I found out a few days ago that I will be going to Shanghai for two months to be trained. I am super excited about this because I wanted to work in Shanghai first but there were no openings. Now, I get to live it up in Shanghai before moving over to Suzhou. It is only a 30 min. train ride so I will just think of it like going downtown.

I also received news that I will not be leaving until October 14th now!!! That means I will be home for my 27th birthday. I was getting depressed about not seeing my friends and celebrating my birthday this year. I know its silly, you're going Kelly you are going to be away for a year and a half and your worried about your birthday? I love my birthday and the fall.

Days til I leave: 50 days

Pictures of Suzhou

A few pictures of Shanghai