Sunday, April 21, 2013

Extreme Couponing Target Edition

My name is Kelly Glynn and I am an extreme couponer.  Well, in truth, I try to coupon and do pretty well.   I have loved that show Extreme Couponing since returning from China.  I am always amazed at these people ability to get items for free to pay for other items.  Let's not talk about the fact that these people may in fact have some hoarding issues and focus on the fact that their grocery bill is less than $10 a month.     Today, I slayed the coupons and made them cry a little.  I looked through the Sunday paper and clipped all the coupons I believed we may use in the next month.  Target had some great coupons for their store and some of those items also had a manufacturer coupon too.  At Target you can use both for double the saving! I went prepared for good things to happen and was only shopping for those items with coupons.  A very hard thing to do at Target when they have such great things.  None the less, I powered through with tunnel vision and only got the items I was planning. I have learned a few things from the show.  First thing is to split your transactions if need be.  This is just what I did and it worked really well for me.

Transaction One - Cleaning Product Galore

Total Coupons- 3

All three coupons were for a $5 gift card on another purchase.

6 pack of Klennex and 2 items from Scrubbling Bubbles, Pledge or Windex

8 pack of Viva and 2 items from Scrubbing Bubbles, Pledge or Windex

Scott Bathroom Tissue and 2 items from Scrubbing Bubbles, Pledge and Windex
They had a bonus on the Scott Tissue for a free Cottonelle Cleansing Wipe package with purchase!

Total                                           $ 53.37
Christmas Gift Card                    $ 25.00 (Thanks Abe)
Out of Pocket Cost                    $ 31.06

Now remember I am taking away $15 in gift cards and most of the items purchased were on sale.

Transaction Two- Sparkling and Smooth

Total Coupons- 7

Tom's Tooth Paste - Target Sale for 2 for $5 and $1 off coupon I received for shopping on Earth Day!
Tom's Coupon $2 off any two product
Tom's Coupon $2 off any deodorant

Schick Hydro
Both Target and Manufactures coupons for the disposable and regular razors.

Zyretec $7 off

Total                                       $ 36.67
Gift Cards from Above            $ 15.00
Out of Pocket Cost                 $  24.80

Again, all of the items I purchased were also on sale! My total Savings this trip was $65.02

Happy Dance Inserted Here!

I only spent $55.86 and we have cleaning products, paper products and personal items that will last for the summer!