Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and has successfully transitioned into the holiday season.  I was able to celebrate Thanksgiving with a few people from my on-boarding group.  I was in charge of the salad and did it up just great until I forgot the dressing at my apartment.  Whoops! It was a wonderful spinach salad with carrots, boiled eggs and avocado.  We feasted on chicken instead of turkey because it was an ungodly amount of money about $75.  We also had mashed potatoes, green beans, rice, curry, stir fry and steamed buns.  It was nice to get together as a "family" and share in the holiday season. 

I was able to Skype with my parents on Friday morning, Thanksgiving Day in the states.  My grandma took one look at me on the computer and started to cry.  She gets emotional sometimes about things like these.  I know she worries about me and lights candles and such.  It was fun to see my family and catch up on the happenings.  Most of my dad's family had never Skyped before so it was fun to see their reactions.  I am now taking requests to visit your Christmas celebrations, weddings, birthdays, news years parties ect. 

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